Biología Molecular México,
¿Y tú, qué tan lejos estas de ser la Kim Kardashian de la ciencia? Texto modificado y tomado de ChicaFisica: "En el mundo…
¿Y tú, qué tan lejos estas de ser la Kim Kardashian de la ciencia? Texto modificado y tomado de ChicaFisica: "En el mundo…
Ets investigador, ets present en les xarxes socials i no coneixes l'Índex Kardashian encara? Connecta la VPN i coneix-ho. https:…
বাংলাদেশে গবেষণা চর্চা নেই বললেই চলে, কিন্তু আজ থেকে বুঝি সেটা অফিসিয়ালি ধ্বংস করে দিলো গ্লোব বায়োটেক নামের প্রতিষ্ঠান। অন্ততঃ আম…
#WeekendReads Are you a science #Kardashian? K- index, a 2014 paper, in #GenomeBiology compares a scientist's twitter…
This seems like something I should have known about sooner: The Kardashian Index. It's a quantification of how overblown a…
Just came across this nice (3-yr old) article on 'Kardashian Index' by @neilhall_uk. My K-index is 0.27. #academia…
"To help quantify this, I propose the ‘Kardashian Index’, a measure of discrepancy between a scientist’s social media profile…
Are you a Science Kardashian? Find out how to calculate your own K-index and what it…
Questo indice dovrebbe essere usato più spesso. Mi chiedo quale sia l'indice di Red Ronnie... (vedete anche qui: http://genomebio…
Heard of the Kardashian Index?
So after my outrage yesterday, I found this paper called the "Kardashian Index". This formula was made to help you decipher the…
The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists #genomebiology
The Kardashian index - social media and science
this made me think of our conversation a few weeks ago: @Deep_Subsurface @HelpfulTangent
Věda je šoubiznis :)
Už jste slyšeli o "Kardashian indexu" ve vědě? :-) Tento ukazatel se snaží reagovat na aktuání trend vědců, kteří sice nevynikají…
The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for…
The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists
"I think it’s time that we develop a metric that will clearly indicate if a scientist has an overblown public profile so that…
Neil Hall in his Comment in the journal Genome Biology talks about the Kardashian Index or K-Index. He describes a Kardashian…
"My introduction highlights the fact that women have a history of being ignored by the scientific community. Interestingly, in…
I have a K-Index of 7.71. Please unfollow me on twitter, or cite one of my papers.…
A strangely enjoyable article - The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists.…
Para mis amigos científicos.....
This is excellent: Abstract: "In the era of social media there are now many different ways that a scientist can build their…
Kardashian Index - yes the Kim Kardeshian - for scientists. This is funny.
" the ‘KARDASHIAN Index’ : a measure of discrepancy between a scientist’s social media profile and publication record based on…
A concept whose time has come. If you truly love science sexually, you'll get this.
"If Kim Kardashian…
"If Kim Kardashian…
hhhhh just for fun name of scientists who are the most famous after kim kardashian in…
Funny paper discussing the relation between fame of a scientist in social media and his real scientific value, both are meaured…
Based on the idea that a lot of “science" is now being tweeted and front paged rather than published clearly someone thought it…
So nicely phrased: "This ‘study’ does not prove that we, as a community, are continuing to ignore women, or if women are less…
So, here is the "Kardashian Index." Peter G. Klein and Marcel Bogers: You may want to diminish the size of your Kardashian Index.
Kardashian index!!
The Dominica Sperm Whale Project has a "Kardashian-index" of 1.90 - meaning that there are more twitter followers than…
Do you know your Kardashian Index? Would you like to? Here's a scholarly paper by Neil Hall at the Centre for Genomic Research…
#jreeeeng Selain melalui tulisan ilmiah, kini ilmuwan dapat menyebarkan ide dapat dilakukan dengan memposting status, ngetwit…
Fantastico concepto, y encima en forma de articulo "serio": The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile…
I just died #waytoruinscience #mustfindawaytocitebeforeigraduate #endoftheworld
OMG! What has the world come to!!!!! The first article in GENOME BIOLOGY is about the Kardasian index - apparently "a measure…
"But on Twitter, for example, the ‘top tweet’ on any given subject will not necessarily come from an expert, it will come from…
Fresh way to look at publication output. An interesting gender-bias observed among science Kardashian's.
Kardashians going socially scientific! #kardashianindex
Finally, this weired Lady entered the hall of scientific fame: A paper in "Genome Biology" (IF 10.4) suggests to name a new…
Genome Biology | Full text | The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists…
Amusing, but would it have killed them to have done a data set of more than 40? That's hardly enough to show a trendline or…
tweeting a little too much? sciencing a little too little? consider your Kardashian index
excelente! e a frase para guardar é: "Social media makes it very easy for people to build a seemingly impressive persona by…
Interesting perspective on celebrity status vs actual intellectual output!!…
Basically a crap-meter. I like it.
The K-index...
Uusi K-index! Ihan hauska juttu, kannattaa lukea: "If Kim Kardashian commented on the value of the ENCODE project, her tweet…
And the news that make our morning shine with dozen of smiles! :) "I propose the ‘Kardashian Index’, a measure of discrepancy…
The Kardashian Index (K-index) -- "derived by noting how many people are following the scientist on Twitter and then dividing…
The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists
[ Social Media Undeserved Renown Metrics in Science ] You will recall Dr Jack Kevorkian was labeled "Dr Death" for…
word of warning: watch your k-index:)
Brilliant: "In the era of social media there are now many different ways that a scientist can build their public profile; the…
Have you calculated your Kardashian index? Have we got anyone over the bench mark of 5?
Those who were at my Student Workshop talk at ASP will remember I referenced the h-index (h papers that have been cited at…
LOL ///If you would like to discuss this further please follow me on Twitter: @neilhall…
The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists. In the era of social media there are now…
Mallie I'm sharing because I know you are concerned about your K-index :)
Jack, Jason, Renee, Marc - whaddya think?
"I am concerned that phenomena similar to that of Kim Kardashian may also exist in the scientific community. I think it is…
Not sure whether this is funny. Genome scientists proposes, tongue-in-cheek, to weigh citations over twitter followers as a…
Piero have a look
"While social media is a valuable tool for outreach and the sharing of ideas, there is a danger that this form of communication…
"In the era of social media there are now many different ways that a scientist can build their public profile; the publication…
"The Kardashian Index: a measure of discrepancy between a scientist's social media profile and publication record based on the…
The Kardashain…
This is the best thing I've read in weeks!
Proposition d'un "Kardashian Index", qui permette d'évaluer le ratio entre la célébrité d'un scientifique sur les réseaux…
The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists
This is a cool scientific paper.
This is hilarious!!! "The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists"…
Thankfully my Kardashian Index is non-existent.
The new altmetric for scientists.
The "Kardashian Index" calculates whether a scientist blogger's fame on social media is correlated with actual publishing…
The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists -
"I took the number of Twitter followers as a measure of ‘celebrity’ while the number of citations was taken as a measure of ‘scie…