The Undercover Agent,
“Use of underarm aluminium (Al)-based antiperspirant salts may be a contributory factor in breast cancer development. “ https:/…
“Use of underarm aluminium (Al)-based antiperspirant salts may be a contributory factor in breast cancer development. “ https:/…
Czy używanie dezodorantów i antyperspirantów może zwiększać ryzyko nowotworów piersi?? Niestety tak... Osobiście polecam…
I love your tits and pecs! Do you? Can you find an organic or at least natural alternative because... "An extensive number of…
Clinical studies dating back decades report a disproportionately high number of female breast cancers originating in the upper…
Clinical studies dating back decades report a disproportionately high number of female breast cancers originating in the upper…
Underarm antiperspirants/deodorants and breast cancer
From my sweet friend, Laura! Yesterday she spoke to a woman who is an RN and former nurse midwife, and spent a great part of…
TITS, VAGINA, PITS, DICK and BOLLOCKS: Wash them in potentially cancer causing ingredients? Forget that... Do you really NEED…
Hikoilun hoito silloin ja nyt
Better non toxic solutions exist for deodorant.
Iets om over na te denken dames.
O sa dau apa la moara vegetarienilor care or sa zica - Ti-am zis noi - cu poza asta. O pun aici dintr-un singur motiv. Exista…
O sa dau apa la moara vegetarienilor care or sa zica - Ti-am zis noi - cu poza asta. O pun aici dintr-un singur motiv. Nu ar…
O sa dau apa la moara vegetarienilor care or sa zica - Ti-am zis noi - cu poza asta. O pun aici dintr-un singur motiv. Exista…
「ボディクリーム」「制汗剤」「ボディローション」として使用される化粧品に防腐目的に使用されている「パラベン」。 我々は有機塩素系農薬、動物性脂質、植物エストロゲン、ポリ塩化ビフェニル(除草剤)、ビスフェノールA(プラスチック)といった食品に含まれる環境エス…
Research is showing a correlation between ALUMINUM and BREAST CANCER. Aluminum is a ubiquitous metal which is toxic to the…