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Zu Beginn brauchst du eine Zitrone oder Limette und ein Messer. Ziel ist es, den Saft dieser Früchte 30 Minuten lang in Ihre…
Zu Beginn brauchst du eine Zitrone oder Limette und ein Messer. Ziel ist es, den Saft dieser Früchte 30 Minuten lang in Ihre…
It seems like we're always hearing about new things that can cause cancer, making it hard to know what to believe and what to…
by Health Desk, a project by Meedan What our experts say There is currently no strong scientific evidence that shows…
So many new potential things that can cause cancer pop up all the time, making it hard to know what to believe and what to…
There's no doubt about it -- cancer and Alzheimer's are terrifying diseases. In the search to make sense of these horrible…
A famous case report called “The Mortician’s Mystery,” published in the New England Journal of Medicine back in the 1980s…
are all the rage these days, especially because of claims that aluminum, the active ingredient in most over-the-counter…
For years, women have been told that cancer is simply a spontaneous occurrence based on predisposed genetic traits which…
When a person attempts conversation about how something causes cancer, they are often met with the dismissive response "but…