@EricTrauber @PTPintcast Now are we using “making”or “breaking”, isometric, or kinetic through range? On the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing: a literature review What does the person receiving your report think the test is measuring and
J'ai trouvé cette référence pour le moment: https://t.co/nZXVN0zTrP
On the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing: a literature review https://t.co/If2MyHwiwk
On the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing: a literature review https://t.co/AkAsFHffQg
RT @GRoskopfsMAT: Great literature review of over 100 articles on the validity and reliability of MMT. Amazing tool to have! Check... https…
Great literature review of over 100 articles on the validity and reliability of MMT. Amazing tool to have! Check... https://t.co/fF8q86IyKU
I will be opening my eyes (and mind) to a new (but old) testing methodology within the next few weeks. It has... http://t.co/reHVhb9Uvw
http://t.co/xzoObzBg On the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing: a literature review #appliedkinesiology
Need scientific proof? Here is a study you can share with your clients and friends. http://t.co/ztjIbgeP